Love America or Leave It:
As with most Americans, I have mixed emotions regarding minorities. For a titled important legislature to express these emotions is truly heresy. The case I am referring to involves Sonia Sotomayor. I take great umbrage on our dingbat politicians. This morning after watching CNN, I was listening to more blog about Ms. Sotomayor’s abilities and I reflected on my dear wife Rosalinda nee Rosalinda Santiago, a Jewish half breed, part Italian & part Puerto Rican. This is as half breed as you can get. Well, it’s thanks to her that Capetown Diamond has the position it has in the industry and the worldwide client base. Her intelligence, working habits, steadfast ethics and sincerity has guaranteed our family a lifetime of security and made it impossible for any competitors to upset our position in the trade. If it were not for America’s free enterprise system, none of what we both have accomplished would have been possible under any circumstances. So, how could any of these F-ing creeps dare to impugn her integrity, intelligence, savvy, and management ability? She is a grand lady so if you have any views on politics, pass your feelings along.
Thank you for your time.
My best regards,
Carl Marcus
Chairman, Company President and Big Mouth always at your service