May 25, 2005
Carl Marcus
Capetown Luxury Group
270 East Crossville Road
Roswell, Georgia 30075
Dear Mr. Marcus:
I'm writing to thank you for your kind assistance during my purchase of a Gold Rolex President. You did not simply meet my expectations; you exceeded my expectations on a grand scale.
As you know, I was shopping your site as well as that of one of your "competitors" in Texas. I purchased a less expensive watch ($600 less) from your "competitor" and on delivery I
discovered the watchband had a significant amount of "stretch", had been "sized" and was too small, and more importantly the "day/date" wheel was "off white"
instead of white. The watch had been represented as being at 90%, and while the "day/date" wheel color may not seem like a big issue, however I had verified this detail with them twice by email, and twice by telephone.
I immediately contacted you again and discussed my needs, and you made sure to verify my wrist size and spent a lot of time with me, both by phone and, email.
The watch you sent was in pristine condition, there was no visible "stretch" whatsoever in the band, and to my surprise the "day/date" wheel was the exact color I wanted.
Mr. Marcus, for sentimental reasons it was very important to me to obtain the "exact" watch I was looking for. My grandmother died in 1985, and had she lived to see me graduate from law school in 1988 she would have given me this exact watch as a graduation gift.
I recently sold some property she left me, and I designated those fund to belatedly purchase my graduation present. I can now proudly wear my grandmother's graduation gift.
Thank you once again for all of your kind attention.
Very truly yours,

J. Carlos Fox